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All Good Things trailer online

AllGoodThings.jpgAll Good Things is inspired by what is described as the most notorious missing person's case in New York history, the story of Robert Durst was suspected of killing his wife who went missing and was never actually found, however he was never tried for the crime.

The film is directed by Andrew Jarecki who is known for Capturing the Friedmans, and stars Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Kristen Wiig and Frank Langella, a cast list that sounds like it could deliver some good performances, something that's backed up by the trailer which is well worth a watch.

The true story is pretty astounding, and it wasn't just his missing wife that he was associated with, he was also implicated in the execution style murder of her best friend, and of murdering and dismembering his elderly neighbour. The entire story is perhaps more frightening than the blurb for the film, here's what Wikipedia tells us:

In 1973, Durst married Kathleen McCormack, who disappeared in 1982. On December 24, 2000, Durst's long-time friend, Susan Berman, was found murdered execution-style in her Benedict Canyon house. Durst was questioned in both cases, but not charged in either one.

In 2001, Durst was arrested in Galveston, Texas, shortly after body parts of his senior neighbor, Morris Black, were found floating in Galveston Bay, but he was released on bail. Durst missed his court hearing and was declared the nation's first billion-dollar fugitive. He was caught in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania at a Wegmans Food Market Supermarket, after trying to steal a chicken sandwich and a Band-Aid, even though he had $500 cash in his pocket. A police search of his rented car yielded $37,000 in cash, two guns, marijuana, and Black's driver's license.

Now the blurb of the film All Good Things.

Inspired by the most notorious missing person's case in New York history, All Good Things is a love story and murder mystery set against the backdrop of a New York real estate dynasty in the 1980s. Produced and directed by Andrew Jarecki, the film was inspired by the story of Robert Durst, scion of the wealthy Durst family. Mr. Durst was suspected but never tried for killing his wife Kathie who disappeared in 1982 and was never found. The film stars Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst and Frank Langella as the powerful patriarch, and captures the emotion and complexity of this real-life unsolved mystery

I wonder how far into the story of Durst is it going to actually look? Watch the trailer which you can also see over at Apple Trailers, and you'll see that it does indeed go rather dark.






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