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Partridge is back in the Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa trailer

AlphaPapa.jpgKnow who Alan Partridge is? Well you should. He's a radio and television personality from England. He's famous. In his own mind anyway. A creation of the comedian Steve Coogan the character has been making British comedy lovers laugh for some time now. However he's not broken across the water, and that's something that's about to change.

Alan Partridge is about to hit the big screen with the film Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa. The film has a list of writers attached all of whom have a history with writing for Partridge and including Coogan himself, and it's directed by Declan Lowney who has a similar list of comic films and television credits to his name. Through in some recognisable British actors including Colm Meaney and Sean Pertwee, and we've got ourselves a comedy hit, surely?

The plot of the story is pretty simple, in Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa trailer the titular Partridge is at work in a small local radio station when a round of redundancies arrive. He manages to get another employee sacked while retaining his own job and when the employee goes rather nuts, grabs a weapon and holds the radio station to ransom, Partridge is brought in. First as a negotiation expert then as a hostage who is forced to broadcast live from the station during the whole siege.

It looks like a lot of fun and of course Partridge is up to his usual nonsense. If you haven't had a taste of the character before, then now is the time for you to get sunk into him. Oh come on, we're all adults...

Here's the trailer for Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa through MSN and The Guardian:

The question now is will it work for the entire length of a feature film? I really do hope so.




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