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Weird Science remake to be harder

WeirdScience.jpgBack in 2009 I wrote about a horrendous idea for a film about the famous doll Barbie, suggesting that their idea might just be better served as a remake of Weird Science. Barbie the film hasn't happened, or if it has I've successfully blanked it from my entire life, Weird Science the remake looks like it's going to.

The great news for fans of the John Hughes original is that it's going to be styled in the likes of 21 Jump Street and Project X. Oh dear me, puerile drugs, sex and bodily function jokes in abundance then.

Michael Bacall is set to write the script for the remake of Weird Science, he co-wrote Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Project X and wrote 21 Jump Street, but despite my concerns that doesn't mean that the film is going to turn out that way.

Deadline has the story that Joel Silver is producing the film, he produced the original Weird Science in the days when there were only one or two producers, and that Bacall will be writing the new script.

It also tells us that we shouldn't be too wary of this idea as the film is going to find its own way and will be reimagined as an edgier following films like 21 Jump Street and The Hangover, both of which were R-Rated. So we can expect this Weird Science to be, perhaps, R-rated in America, and does that mean more sex jokes? It probably does, what else makes the MPAA madder?

I do find it surprising that the thing that shouldn't be worrying us about a remake of a John Hughes classic is the rating, does just giving it an adult rating mean it's all going to be okay? Not at all.

Let's hope instead that the concentration is not on making it ruder but that the humour is clever and the characters engaging and attractive (and I mean that in an emotional way), not that there's just more opportunity to show breasts and make crass jokes about them.

Isn't one of the points about Weird Science that it appealed to the very character that was leading it? With a bigger rating that won't be the case and they'll be targeting the original audience.

Mind you by the same point wouldn't remaking the original in the same way be targeting a much younger audience than it did in the eighties? Kids are much more mature these days and that would have to be reflected in the film, if not the rating.

More to the point who would replace Kelly LeBrock to influence a new generation?




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