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Entries tagged with 'William Monahan'

I, Claudius the film

I, Claudius was a novel you know, not just the BBC 1976 television series starring Derek Jacobi, John Hurt, Brian Blessed, Ian Ogilvy, Kevin McNally, Patrick Stewart, John Rhys-Davies and so on, it was a novel before that. Now the novel ( / from Robert Graves is to be...

Crowe joins DiCaprio in Body of Lies

Russell Crowe is set to join Leonardo DiCaprio in the film Body of Lies directed by the visually strong Ridley Scott. The story was adapted by the excellent talents of William Monahan from a novel by David Ignatius ( / The story is about a CIA spy called Roger...

Monahan and Scorsese on music industry

Not only is William Monahan working with Leonardo DiCaprio on another Asian remake of a film from the Infernal Affairs (Filmstalker review) director, but he's also working on a new script for the director Martin Scorsese. This film will be called The Long Play and will follow two friends through...

Monahan says no Departed sequel script...yet

William Monahan has put paid to the rumour that he was actually writing a sequel for The Departed (Filmstalker review) in a recent interview. Monahan says that he hasn't been writing the sequel, but he does know exactly where it would go, and it wouldn't follow the sequel and prequel...

More talk on Departed sequel

The news that The Departed (Filmstalker review) is looking at a sequel is not new, and for those of you who read Filmstalker daily you'll now be thinking "I knew that thirteen days ago!" when Mark Wahlberg started talking about a sequel. Now we have word from sources that the...

The Departed

Film Five Stars

I think it's fair to say that most film lovers are sick fed up of remakes, revisualisations, sequels and prequels, and why? Well it's because they are poorly done, they're seen as a way to make quick money off of another successful film. When the projects are started they are...


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