Recent Reviews

These are the latest reviews for each star rating in each review category. To see the full listing for the category select the category title. To see the full listing for the star rating in a category, select the star rating.


Film Reviews Film Reviews

No Stars : 7 One Star : 35 Two Stars : 73 Three Stars : 126 Four Stars : 183 Five Stars : 95

DVD Reviews DVD Reviews

No Stars : 1 One Star : 6 Two Stars : 20
  • Last entry: Earth 2 on Wednesday 30 May 2023
Three Stars : 32 Four Stars : 40 Five Stars : 9
  • Last entry: The Losers on Wednesday 3 November 2023


Digital Reviews Digital Reviews

No Stars : 1
  • Last entry: Brüno on Sunday 22 November 2023
One Star : 2
  • Last entry: The Road on Monday 14 February 2024
Two Stars : 7
  • Last entry: 13 Tzameti on Monday 13 December 2023
Three Stars : 13 Four Stars : 1 Five Stars : 2
  • Last entry: Paul on Sunday 4 September 2023

Other Reviews Other Reviews

No Stars : 0
    One Star : 0
      Two Stars : 0
        Three Stars : 2 Four Stars : 3 Five Stars : 0


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